Lucy Basner (BAZ)
Artemesia Art
A portfolio of artistic and other creative work, a spiritual and political manifesto. An insight into the Mind of an Anarchist, Madman and Poet.
I Identify as an Insider-Outsider Artist and Poet.
This is due to my cosmopolitan family background, which gave me a thorough grounding in the Humanities (particularly Literature and Art History) from Childhood and the Art Tuition I recieved in my early years from my mother and the South African Artist, Cecily Sash.
This was built upon by my experience studying Literae Humaniores (Classics) at Magdalen College, Oxford (Matriculation year 2012).
Here I studied the Art and Archaeology of the Ancient World as well as the Ancient Greek Language, History, Literature, Philosophy (including modern philosophy) and some Linguistics.
However at age 25 I developed Schizophrenia and began to produce Original Art and Poetry of my own. I immediately recognised my style as connected to that of Art Brut/Outsider Art.
I have produced the vast majority of my work thus far whilst in the Care of the Mental Health System. I pride myself on combining the sophisticated with the naïve.